miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2009

The revolution will not be televised vs. Did you know? we are living in exponential times

When we are children we may believe that somethings happen with no other explanation than magic. As we grow up this is no longger acepted by others when we bring it up, so we replace it with the "he/she did it", or even the classic "i don´t know, it was like that when I got here". It seems to me that we go through live avoiding and dodging those situations in which we, individually, need to take responsability about something.
I recently got a link for a youtube video and against my will I actually took the time to watch it. Alarming numbers, statistics and predictions about the population, technology, careers and much more reminded me of a poem/song that stuck in my mind since I heard it for the first time. So I started to compare both and the constrast between them grew by the moment.
On one hand I have the evidence that supports the fact that people relay on technology to stay informed, communicated and basically updated. But then again the mayority of these users do little if not nothing to get involved on a social discourse.
On the other side I have this 1970 song by Gil Scott Heron which, aside of giving many cultural refrences of the time, sends the message of getting into action and being part of whats going on in the world. Taking responsability on our actions and more importanly go out there and act.
  1. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xpqut_the-revolution-will-not-be-televise_music
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUMf7FWGdCw

Two links. Compare and contrast. Any comments? Post them.

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